認識燕窩 :
燕窩乃是中國四大傳統滋補佳品之尊以及「山珍海味」八珍之首。四大傳統補品為燕窩﹑人參﹑魚翅及鮑魚。八大珍品則有燕窩﹑狸唇﹑駝峰﹑猴頭﹑熊掌﹑鹿筋﹑黃唇膠和脯。中國人食用燕窩的歷史可追溯至唐代﹐燕窩當時已經是朝廷的「貢品」。據說女皇帝武則天可是當時享用燕窩的帝王愛好佼佼者。在十七世紀後期﹐年年都有大量的燕窩從爪哇的巴達維亞(現稱雅加達)輸入中國。燕窩為雨燕科動物金絲燕及同屬燕類用唾液與絨羽混合凝結而成的窩﹐西方所謂“ EDIBLE BIRDSNEST ” 就是“可吃的鳥巢”的意思。築成“可吃的鳥巢”金絲燕﹐它與普通家燕不相同﹐比較小一些﹐翅長而尖﹐短尾﹐腳細弱﹐飛翔力很強﹐不善行走或站立﹐故它們好像蝙蝠那樣勾著來休息或睡覺﹐它們用非常發達的唾液泉﹐以分泌出來的唾液在空氣中可凝成固體。金絲燕一年裡可築巢三次﹐產卵期接近時﹐體態會逐漸丰滿起來﹐唾液也較多﹐所以築成的巢穴也比較大﹐有時由于時間太緊迫﹐它們就借助一些其他建築材料﹐比如本身絨羽﹐小草﹐小樹根之類﹐再與唾液混合一起筑巢.
一﹑ 燕窩的益處
二﹑ 燕窩的功效
脾虛之多汗﹑小便頻繁﹑止汗﹑氣虛﹑ ﹑夜尿。
三﹑ 燕窩的種類
四﹑ 從生物化學的角度看燕窩
根據香港中文大學江潤祥教授和關培生先生寫了一篇<燕窩考>﹐對燕窩的歷史沿革所載甚詳。江教授在一九八七年發表了一篇研究報告﹐証實了燕窩的蛋白質含有大量生物活性的蛋白份子﹐這些份子可能是滋補復壯之源。江氏在 <燕窩考> 中謂﹕[今日科學研究所知﹐燕窩確實含有表皮生
長因子(Epidermal Growth Factor)﹐燕窩的水提更可直接刺激細胞生長及對分
裂原有增效作用(Mitogenic Stimulation Factor)。
五﹑ 從營養學的角度看燕窩
六﹑ 燕窩燉法和吃法
燉燕窩最好是採用不含氯成分的清水来炖煮,或是用蒸馏水(R.O.水) ,再不然就用礦泉水﹐而且每人燉煮份量為5至6克。要注意的是泡浸和燉煮時間的長短,須視燕窩的品質和種類而定。屋燕燉煮的時間則只需45分鐘。吃燕窩的正確方法在於少食多餐﹐最好每日早晚各吃一次﹐或是每週至少食 用3次﹐如此才能保證腸胃充份吸收燕窩的營養精華和功效。吃燕窩最好是空肚吃﹐因空肚吃吸收力甚強。根据傳統理論,人體在晚上11時至凌晨1時處于最鬆弛狀態,而且很容易“歸經”,滋陰食品很容易被人體吸收,過盛的熱氣也很容易排出體外。
七﹑ 燕窩的保存
燕窩價格昂貴﹐因此必須注意小心貯存﹐防止其受潮而發霉。一般可將燕窩裝入乾淨的塑膠盒﹐內附防潮保護層和吸濕劑﹐密封並放於乾燥處。冷 藏效果較好﹐並注意防止潮氣侵入。溫度在攝氏5度左右時﹐燕窩可保存較長的時間。如少量貯存﹐可將燕窩包裹後裝入塑膠袋﹐封口﹐並放入雪櫃﹐可保不致變質。 總之﹐燕窩應置於通風﹑陰涼和乾爽之處﹐不宜在陽光下暴曬。
100% PURE BIRD'S NEST FROM MALAYSIA . Email addressed : perfectbirdsnest@gmail.com
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

燕窩燉法和吃法 :
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞 30 克﹐ 用過濾水泡浸 30 分鐘再用水洗淨﹐加入適量的過濾水﹑雞湯、生薑、味精、鹽﹐燉 45 分鐘﹐取出後﹐淋入少許香油﹐便可食用。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞 10 克﹐人參 10 克﹐冰糖適量。將“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的 白燕盞用過濾水泡發 30 分鐘﹐人參洗淨後切片﹔放入人參、燕窩﹐燉 45 分鐘後加入適量冰糖即成。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞3 克﹐浸水後洗淨﹔白米25克﹐適量的過濾水﹔把所有材料放入燉盅內燉約兩小 時即可。如果不想每次都要泡浸和洗燕窩﹐也可以用一個折衷的方法﹐就是預先燉好一大碗燕窩﹐放入雪櫃備用。 當小寶寶的粥煮好後﹐加入一湯匙已燉好的“燕之宝”純正天然燕窩﹐把粥再煮滾就行。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞2至3只(約25克)﹐浸水半小時後洗淨。雪梨1粒﹐去皮去芯切片。材料準備好後放入燉盅﹐加入適量過濾水﹐燉約45分鐘後加入適量冰糖即 可。雪梨燉得過舊會變酸﹐而洞燕又需要燉2小時﹐為免雪梨變酸而不好吃 ﹐用屋燕是最適合了﹐因為屋燕只需燉45分鐘﹐它對肺燥咳嗽很有效﹐吃三四次即能止咳。
鯇魚約150克﹐加兩片薑﹑蔥﹑少許油鹽﹐蒸熟後去骨制成魚蓉。 “燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞 15 至 20 克﹐浸泡半小時後洗淨﹔白米 50 克。適量的過濾水和白米慢火煲約一小時後﹐再加入“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩煲約 45 分鐘即成﹐然後加入準備好的魚蓉﹐再放上少許芫茜﹐就可上桌。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞10克﹐蜜棗50克。“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞泡水半小時後洗淨﹐與蜜棗共入煲中﹐加適量的過濾水﹐燉 1 小時後服用﹐潤肺止渴。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞10克﹐鮮奶250克。 將“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞泡水半小時﹐洗淨﹐隔水燉一小時﹐然後加鮮奶﹐或椰汁即可。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞15克﹐雞半隻﹐龍眼肉12克﹐生薑2片。 除“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞外﹐其餘用料加適量的過濾水﹑鹽適量共燉 3 小時。最後加入“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞燉 45 分鐘即可。滋陰﹐強身健體。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞5克﹐西洋參5克﹐冰糖和過濾水適量。 燉 2 小時後﹐再加入“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞燉 45 分鐘即可 / 養陰潤燥﹐降火盆氣。
“燕之宝”天然纯正燕窝的白燕盏 5 克,冰糖和过滤水适量,炖 45 分钟。把冷水加入珍珠粉以便搅匀,然后加入炖熟好了得燕窝即可。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞 30 克﹐ 用過濾水泡浸 30 分鐘再用水洗淨﹐加入適量的過濾水﹑雞湯、生薑、味精、鹽﹐燉 45 分鐘﹐取出後﹐淋入少許香油﹐便可食用。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞 10 克﹐人參 10 克﹐冰糖適量。將“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的 白燕盞用過濾水泡發 30 分鐘﹐人參洗淨後切片﹔放入人參、燕窩﹐燉 45 分鐘後加入適量冰糖即成。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞3 克﹐浸水後洗淨﹔白米25克﹐適量的過濾水﹔把所有材料放入燉盅內燉約兩小 時即可。如果不想每次都要泡浸和洗燕窩﹐也可以用一個折衷的方法﹐就是預先燉好一大碗燕窩﹐放入雪櫃備用。 當小寶寶的粥煮好後﹐加入一湯匙已燉好的“燕之宝”純正天然燕窩﹐把粥再煮滾就行。
取“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞2至3只(約25克)﹐浸水半小時後洗淨。雪梨1粒﹐去皮去芯切片。材料準備好後放入燉盅﹐加入適量過濾水﹐燉約45分鐘後加入適量冰糖即 可。雪梨燉得過舊會變酸﹐而洞燕又需要燉2小時﹐為免雪梨變酸而不好吃 ﹐用屋燕是最適合了﹐因為屋燕只需燉45分鐘﹐它對肺燥咳嗽很有效﹐吃三四次即能止咳。
鯇魚約150克﹐加兩片薑﹑蔥﹑少許油鹽﹐蒸熟後去骨制成魚蓉。 “燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞 15 至 20 克﹐浸泡半小時後洗淨﹔白米 50 克。適量的過濾水和白米慢火煲約一小時後﹐再加入“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩煲約 45 分鐘即成﹐然後加入準備好的魚蓉﹐再放上少許芫茜﹐就可上桌。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞10克﹐蜜棗50克。“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞泡水半小時後洗淨﹐與蜜棗共入煲中﹐加適量的過濾水﹐燉 1 小時後服用﹐潤肺止渴。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞10克﹐鮮奶250克。 將“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞泡水半小時﹐洗淨﹐隔水燉一小時﹐然後加鮮奶﹐或椰汁即可。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞15克﹐雞半隻﹐龍眼肉12克﹐生薑2片。 除“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞外﹐其餘用料加適量的過濾水﹑鹽適量共燉 3 小時。最後加入“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞燉 45 分鐘即可。滋陰﹐強身健體。
“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞5克﹐西洋參5克﹐冰糖和過濾水適量。 燉 2 小時後﹐再加入“燕之宝”天然純正燕窩的白燕盞燉 45 分鐘即可 / 養陰潤燥﹐降火盆氣。
“燕之宝”天然纯正燕窝的白燕盏 5 克,冰糖和过滤水适量,炖 45 分钟。把冷水加入珍珠粉以便搅匀,然后加入炖熟好了得燕窝即可。
1) Bird’s nest chicken soup Take 30g of whole white bird’s nest and soak it for 30 minutes in filtered water before rinsing. Add suitable amount of filtered water, chicken stock, ginger, seasoning and salt and stew for 45 minutes. Add a little fragrance and serve.
2) Stewed bird’s nest with ginseng Use 10g of whole white bird’s nest, 10g of ginseng and a suitable amount of rock sugar. Soak the bird’s nest in filtered water for 30 minutes. Cut the ginseng into slices and place them together with the bird’s nest into a pot and stew for 45 minutes before adding in suitable amounts of rock sugar.
3) Bird’s nest porridgeBird’s nest porridge Use 3g of whole white bird’s nest and cleanse it after soaking, 25g of rice wine and suitable amount of filtered water. Put all ingredients into a stew pot and stew for approximately two hours. If you do not wish to soak and cleanse the bird’s nest every time you cook, you may stew a bowlful of bird’s nest before hand and store it in the refrigerator. When the porridge for your little one is ready, add one tablespoonful of pure, natural bird’s nest into it and re-heat the porridge.
4) Bird’s nest stewed with pear Use 2 to 3 pieces of natural, pure bird’s nest (approximately 25g) and one pear with skin and core removed. Place the ingredients into a stew pot and add suitable amount of filtered water before stewing for approximately 45 minutes. Add rock sugar to taste. The pear turns sour if it is stewed for too long while the bird’s nest has to be stewed for 2-4 hours. This will ensure the pear does not turn sour. It is most suitable to use house bird’s nest which only requires 45 minutes to stew. It is effective in relieving cough and nourishing the lungs. Coughs can be stopped after three to four servings.
5) Bird’s nest and fish paste porridge Approximately 150g of fresh water carp, two slices of ginger, spring onion and a little oil and salt. Remove fish bones and make into a paste. Take approximately 15g to 20g of natural, pure white bird’s nest and add 50g of rice after cleansing and soaking for half an hour. Boil the rice with a suitable amount of filtered water for approximately 1 hour before adding in the natural pure bird’s nest and cook for approximately 45 minutes. Add in the fish paste and some coriander before serving.
6) Stewed bird’s nest with coconut milk and rock sugar Use 15g of natural, pure bird’s nest and add suitable amounts of rock sugar and filtered water. Add 1 bowl of fresh milk and 2 tablespoonful of coconut milk after 45 minutes.
7) Stewed bird’s nest with red dates Use 10g of natural, pure bird’s nest and 50g of dates. After soaking the bird’s nest for half an hour, stew it together with the dates after adding in suitable amount of filtered water for 1 hour. This preparation is good for nourishing the lungs and quenching thirst.
8) Milk and bird’s nest soup Use 10g of natural, pure bird’s nest and 250g of fresh milk. Soak the bird’s nest in water for half an hour, cleanse and double boil for 1 hour before adding in the fresh milk. Ideal for nourishing the lungs and stomach.
9) Stewed bird’s nest with chicken Use 15g of natural, pure bird's nest, half a chicken, 12g of longan pulp and 2 slices of ginger. Other than the bird's nest, all ingredients should be added to a suitable amount of filtered water with some salt and stewed for 3 hours. Add in the natural, pure bird's nest after 45 minutes and it is ready to be served. Ideal for nourishment and strengthening physique.
10) Bird’s nest with western ginseng soup Use 5g of natural, pure bird’s nest, 5g of western ginseng, rock sugar and a suitable amount of filtered water. After stewing for 2 hours, add in the natural, pure bird’s nest and stew for another 45 minutes. Ideal for nourishment and reducing body heat.
11) Bird's nest with pearl powder
Use 5g of natural, pure bird's nest and suitable amounts of rock sugar and filtered water. Stew for 45 minutes. Add the pearl powder to cold water and stir well before adding it to the ready bird's nest soup.
12) Bird's nest with apple
Use 5g of natural, pure bird's nest. Take an apple and remove its skin. Cut it up into slices and add suitable amount of rock sugar before stewing in a pot for 45 minutes.
1) Bird’s nest chicken soup Take 30g of whole white bird’s nest and soak it for 30 minutes in filtered water before rinsing. Add suitable amount of filtered water, chicken stock, ginger, seasoning and salt and stew for 45 minutes. Add a little fragrance and serve.
2) Stewed bird’s nest with ginseng Use 10g of whole white bird’s nest, 10g of ginseng and a suitable amount of rock sugar. Soak the bird’s nest in filtered water for 30 minutes. Cut the ginseng into slices and place them together with the bird’s nest into a pot and stew for 45 minutes before adding in suitable amounts of rock sugar.
3) Bird’s nest porridgeBird’s nest porridge Use 3g of whole white bird’s nest and cleanse it after soaking, 25g of rice wine and suitable amount of filtered water. Put all ingredients into a stew pot and stew for approximately two hours. If you do not wish to soak and cleanse the bird’s nest every time you cook, you may stew a bowlful of bird’s nest before hand and store it in the refrigerator. When the porridge for your little one is ready, add one tablespoonful of pure, natural bird’s nest into it and re-heat the porridge.
4) Bird’s nest stewed with pear Use 2 to 3 pieces of natural, pure bird’s nest (approximately 25g) and one pear with skin and core removed. Place the ingredients into a stew pot and add suitable amount of filtered water before stewing for approximately 45 minutes. Add rock sugar to taste. The pear turns sour if it is stewed for too long while the bird’s nest has to be stewed for 2-4 hours. This will ensure the pear does not turn sour. It is most suitable to use house bird’s nest which only requires 45 minutes to stew. It is effective in relieving cough and nourishing the lungs. Coughs can be stopped after three to four servings.
5) Bird’s nest and fish paste porridge Approximately 150g of fresh water carp, two slices of ginger, spring onion and a little oil and salt. Remove fish bones and make into a paste. Take approximately 15g to 20g of natural, pure white bird’s nest and add 50g of rice after cleansing and soaking for half an hour. Boil the rice with a suitable amount of filtered water for approximately 1 hour before adding in the natural pure bird’s nest and cook for approximately 45 minutes. Add in the fish paste and some coriander before serving.
6) Stewed bird’s nest with coconut milk and rock sugar Use 15g of natural, pure bird’s nest and add suitable amounts of rock sugar and filtered water. Add 1 bowl of fresh milk and 2 tablespoonful of coconut milk after 45 minutes.
7) Stewed bird’s nest with red dates Use 10g of natural, pure bird’s nest and 50g of dates. After soaking the bird’s nest for half an hour, stew it together with the dates after adding in suitable amount of filtered water for 1 hour. This preparation is good for nourishing the lungs and quenching thirst.
8) Milk and bird’s nest soup Use 10g of natural, pure bird’s nest and 250g of fresh milk. Soak the bird’s nest in water for half an hour, cleanse and double boil for 1 hour before adding in the fresh milk. Ideal for nourishing the lungs and stomach.
9) Stewed bird’s nest with chicken Use 15g of natural, pure bird's nest, half a chicken, 12g of longan pulp and 2 slices of ginger. Other than the bird's nest, all ingredients should be added to a suitable amount of filtered water with some salt and stewed for 3 hours. Add in the natural, pure bird's nest after 45 minutes and it is ready to be served. Ideal for nourishment and strengthening physique.
10) Bird’s nest with western ginseng soup Use 5g of natural, pure bird’s nest, 5g of western ginseng, rock sugar and a suitable amount of filtered water. After stewing for 2 hours, add in the natural, pure bird’s nest and stew for another 45 minutes. Ideal for nourishment and reducing body heat.
11) Bird's nest with pearl powder
Use 5g of natural, pure bird's nest and suitable amounts of rock sugar and filtered water. Stew for 45 minutes. Add the pearl powder to cold water and stir well before adding it to the ready bird's nest soup.
12) Bird's nest with apple
Use 5g of natural, pure bird's nest. Take an apple and remove its skin. Cut it up into slices and add suitable amount of rock sugar before stewing in a pot for 45 minutes.
Monday, April 5, 2010
“Bird’s Nest” or better known as “edible Bird’s Nest” in the West, is basically salivary secretion of the male swiftlets. These swiftlets are known as Collocallia Fuciphagus (Collocallia species). The sticky secretion is regurgitated to form the nest.
Among the 90 species of swiftlets found in Southeast Asia, only 3 are found to make nests of efficacy value, namely the Aerodramus Germania, Aerodramus Fuciphagus and Aerodramus Maximus. These swiflets have very short bills, wide mouths, small and weak feet, and long crescent shaped wings. They are relatively small in size. They never perch or rest except when they are sleeping, building their nests, or feeding their young. Their nests are made of glutinous strands of starched-like saliva produced by a pair of large salivary glands under their tongue.
These species build their new homes in the caves of Southeast Asian region in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam during the winter months.
“Bird’s Nest” or better known as “edible Bird’s Nest” in the West, is basically salivary secretion of the male swiftlets. These swiftlets are known as Collocallia Fuciphagus (Collocallia species). The sticky secretion is regurgitated to form the nest.
Among the 90 species of swiftlets found in Southeast Asia, only 3 are found to make nests of efficacy value, namely the Aerodramus Germania, Aerodramus Fuciphagus and Aerodramus Maximus. These swiflets have very short bills, wide mouths, small and weak feet, and long crescent shaped wings. They are relatively small in size. They never perch or rest except when they are sleeping, building their nests, or feeding their young. Their nests are made of glutinous strands of starched-like saliva produced by a pair of large salivary glands under their tongue.
These species build their new homes in the caves of Southeast Asian region in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam during the winter months.
Information (Continue)
The Aerodramus Germania species, found only in Vietnam produces superior quality nests. However, it produces a mere 1% of the world's swiftlet nest. It is also the most expensive of the bird’s nest.
The Aerodramus Fuciphagus species commonly found in countries like Indonesia, and Thailand is ranked second for nest quality. The nest it produces is good because of the fewer impurities found in the nests.The Aerodramus Maximus produces the poorest quality as its nest contains more feathers and other impurities. Thus, the price is much lower compared to the aforementioned nests. Suppliers usually remove the saliva strands from the dirt and grass made by Maximus and put the collected saliva strand in a leaf-shape mold to make bird’s nest pieces. The nutritional value of this molded bird’s nest is much less due to the long handling and processing time.
The Aerodramus Germania species, found only in Vietnam produces superior quality nests. However, it produces a mere 1% of the world's swiftlet nest. It is also the most expensive of the bird’s nest.
The Aerodramus Fuciphagus species commonly found in countries like Indonesia, and Thailand is ranked second for nest quality. The nest it produces is good because of the fewer impurities found in the nests.The Aerodramus Maximus produces the poorest quality as its nest contains more feathers and other impurities. Thus, the price is much lower compared to the aforementioned nests. Suppliers usually remove the saliva strands from the dirt and grass made by Maximus and put the collected saliva strand in a leaf-shape mold to make bird’s nest pieces. The nutritional value of this molded bird’s nest is much less due to the long handling and processing time.
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The existence of House Bird’s Nest is primarily due to efforts protect to the swiftlet birds and their nests from over harvesting. The suppliers decided to try house farming by inducing the swiftlets into the house to build their nest, it was a success. Thus, the name “ House Bird’s Nest” is introduced. Housed swiftlets consume mostly farm insects that they can find in the fields. Both Cave and House bird’s nest have strong protein aroma after cooking. Some say House Bird’s Nest isn’t as tangy, tasty or smooth in texture when compared to the cave’s nests.
Unethical businessmen sell fake bird's nest by using seaweed, pig skin or white fungus into a bird's nest. The fake bird's nest usually dissolved in water after soaking, or shows an oily film on the water's surface. So, make sure you purchase your bird's nest from a trusted retailer.
The existence of House Bird’s Nest is primarily due to efforts protect to the swiftlet birds and their nests from over harvesting. The suppliers decided to try house farming by inducing the swiftlets into the house to build their nest, it was a success. Thus, the name “ House Bird’s Nest” is introduced. Housed swiftlets consume mostly farm insects that they can find in the fields. Both Cave and House bird’s nest have strong protein aroma after cooking. Some say House Bird’s Nest isn’t as tangy, tasty or smooth in texture when compared to the cave’s nests.
Unethical businessmen sell fake bird's nest by using seaweed, pig skin or white fungus into a bird's nest. The fake bird's nest usually dissolved in water after soaking, or shows an oily film on the water's surface. So, make sure you purchase your bird's nest from a trusted retailer.
Information - Benefits of Bird’s Nest
Bird’s nest contains very high water-soluble glyco-protein, the benefits of Bird’s Nest have been asserted by Chinese medicine practitioners to include:
. "Epidermal growth factor" (EGF) - responsible for skin and tissue repair . Enhancing body's immune system through promotion of cell division caused by the water-soluble glyco-protein . Healing illnesses connected to rthe espiratory system such as chronic cough, asthma or throat infection. . Preventing cancer and aiding in the treatment of cancer patients
Bird’s nest contains very high water-soluble glyco-protein, the benefits of Bird’s Nest have been asserted by Chinese medicine practitioners to include:
. "Epidermal growth factor" (EGF) - responsible for skin and tissue repair . Enhancing body's immune system through promotion of cell division caused by the water-soluble glyco-protein . Healing illnesses connected to rthe espiratory system such as chronic cough, asthma or throat infection. . Preventing cancer and aiding in the treatment of cancer patients
Information - Benefits of Bird’s Nest (Continue)
• Improving heart functions and to reducing blood pressure • Aiding in the regeneration and growth of cells • Reducing fatigue • Strengthening body’s self-regulating actions and resistance to disease• Improving skin complexion • Regulating internal fluid supply.
Pregnant woman and their fetus, in particular, can benefit greatly from eating bird’s nest. The regular consumption can increase nutrition and improve the health of the woman and fetus. The body and the immunity of the fetus can be strengthened and its mind activated, thereby providing a firm foundation for baby's future development. Woman consuming edible bird’s nests after giving birth can also recover quicker and helping to regain their youthful appearance earlier.
• Improving heart functions and to reducing blood pressure • Aiding in the regeneration and growth of cells • Reducing fatigue • Strengthening body’s self-regulating actions and resistance to disease• Improving skin complexion • Regulating internal fluid supply.
Pregnant woman and their fetus, in particular, can benefit greatly from eating bird’s nest. The regular consumption can increase nutrition and improve the health of the woman and fetus. The body and the immunity of the fetus can be strengthened and its mind activated, thereby providing a firm foundation for baby's future development. Woman consuming edible bird’s nests after giving birth can also recover quicker and helping to regain their youthful appearance earlier.
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